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$3.95 | Click On The Image to the left of the title to add this item to your Pay Pal shopping cart.All orders are hand processed so please allow me some time to get the Seven Years (Cowboy Junkies) PDF file emailed to you.Lyrics for Seven Years (Cowboy Junkies)Haven't seen the sun for seven daysNovember's got her nails dug in deepHaven't seen my son for seven yearsand the chances are we'll never again meetIf truth be told I don't even know his nameIf truth be told he doesn't even know my nameI spend my spare time with my rosary beadsalthough I never learnt to praybut you don't need the lightand it's best to pretendthat you've seen the errors of your waysThe darkness in here is as heavy as a judgementThis darkness, heavy as a judgementMy dreams are now filled with Gilead treesand other sights that I've never seenThey used to be filled with the fears of tomorrowand the horror that it might bringHis eyes felt to meas cold as a stone mason's chiselHis eyes fell on me, coldlike a stone mason's chiselStrange how a mind can always recallwhat the senses eagerly leave behindI can remember his face, rage,disgust and distastebut to my fear I have grown blindMemories are just dead men making troublethis memory is just a dead man making troubleGuitar Tab, Guitar Tablature or Bass Tab, Bass Tablature for Seven Years Here are some other details for Seven Years - Strum Pattern | Return To GuitArrangements - Show Me Songs
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