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$3.95 | Click On The Image to the left of the title to add this item to your Pay Pal shopping cart.All orders are hand processed so please allow me some time to get the Future Says Run (Tonic) PDF file emailed to you. Also, the chart for Future Says Run has not been scanned in yet, please allow some extra time to get it to youLyrics for Future Says Run (Tonic)Holding lightlyWords that make you awareYour head's spinningNo one knows you're not thereBlankly staringStrangers call you a friendThe power you holdIs a power that mendsYou can't go onNo you can't even talkYour future says runBut you can't even walkSo you harborStanding idly byIndescretions, slowly turn into liesYour're half emptyThey don't know how it feelsThe power insideIs a power that healsBut You can't go onNo you can't even talkYour future says runBut you can't even walkGuitar Tab, Guitar Tablature or Bass Tab, Bass Tablature for Future Says Run Here are some other details for Future Says Run - Open A - (EAEAC#E) | Return To GuitArrangements - Show Me Songs
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