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$3.95 | Click On The Image to the left of the title to add this item to your Pay Pal shopping cart.All orders are hand processed so please allow me some time to get the Breaking the Chains (solo) (Dokken) PDF file emailed to you.Lyrics for Breaking the Chains (solo) (Dokken)Sit there thinkinIn your roomYou feel the pressureYoure goin crazy tooThe walls around youClosin inYou need a changeClaustophobicFeelin scaredYou need somebodyBut no one seems to careA one way ticketA change of paceYouve had enoughCant take no more(chorus 1)Breaking the chains around youNobody else can bind youTake a good look around youNow youre breaking the chainsGot this letterCame todayFrom my babyWho left me yesterdaySaid she lovesShell come backShe wants to tryI wont let herShell be upsetI know its betterThan somethin Ill regretShes been dishonestAnd insincereI lost my mindTwenty times a year(chorus 2)Breaking the chains around meNobody else can bind meTake a good look around meNow Im breaking the chains(solo)Woke up todayIm aloneI look aroundBut baby you were goneBut I dont mindAnd I dont worryI will surviveIm aloneNow that youre goneDont need nobodyTo hold or tie me downI broke the chainsSo let me beIve gotta be free(repeat chorus 2)(repeat chorus 2)Guitar Tab, Guitar Tablature or Bass Tab, Bass Tablature for Breaking the Chains (solo) Here are some other details for Breaking the Chains (solo) - | Return To GuitArrangements - Show Me Songs
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