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$3.95 | Click On The Image to the left of the title to add this item to your Pay Pal shopping cart.All orders are hand processed so please allow me some time to get the Blow My Fuse (Kix) PDF file emailed to you.Lyrics for Blow My Fuse (Kix)Shut up Do it Come on start a fire In my electric chair Baby cross my wires Light up my hair Overload my circuits let me feel the juice make me an offer that I can't refuse Blow my fuse (Hey hey)You got nothing to lose Blow my fuse I need a good shot I can't give it to you On electric cruise(?) Blow my fuse You light my light I'll light you Baby shake my tower Get it while it's hot Baby feel my power Fifty thousand watts Come on feel the voltage Light thick and through From the whites of my eyeballs To the souls of my shoes Blow my fuse (Hey hey)You got nothing to lose Blow my fuse I need a good shot I can't give it to you On electric cruise(?) Blow my fuse Hot wired Get fired Ooo baby watch it glow Give me action Satisfaction Babe I'm ready for an overload Plug me in like electric light It's a rock and roll show tonight Blow my fuse (Hey hey)You got nothing to lose Blow my fuse I need a good shot I can't give it to you Blow my fuse (Hey hey)You got nothing to lose Blow my fuse I need a hot spark I can't give it to you Blow my fuse Got nothing to lose Blow my fuse Can't give it to you Blow my fuse Got nothing to lose Blow my fuse Can't give it to you Blow my fuse Guitar Tab, Guitar Tablature or Bass Tab, Bass Tablature for Blow My Fuse Here are some other details for Blow My Fuse - Down 1/2 | Return To GuitArrangements - Show Me Songs
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