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$3.95 | Click On The Image to the left of the title to add this item to your Pay Pal shopping cart.All orders are hand processed so please allow me some time to get the Anything (Third Eye Blind) PDF file emailed to you. Also, the chart for Anything has not been scanned in yet, please allow some extra time to get it to youLyrics for Anything (Third Eye Blind)Anything for youTurn my castles blueTurn my bones to sandJust to see youIll give you anythingIll give you anythingIll give you anythingJackie o with the top down openAll the words to whatís unspokenIll put together everything thats brokenJust to see youIll give you anythingIll give you anythingIll give you anythingJackie o with the top down openA kingís horse for whats been brokenIll bring back even whatís unspokenJust to see youIll give you anythingIll give you anythingIll be your anythingGuitar Tab, Guitar Tablature or Bass Tab, Bass Tablature for Anything Here are some other details for Anything - | Return To GuitArrangements - Show Me Songs
Check out these other Guitar Tabs and Bass Tabs for these songs or solos | ·Graduate (Third Eye Blind) ·1000 Julys (Third Eye Blind) ·Rocker, The (bass) (Thin Lizzy) ·Jailbreak (bass) (Thin Lizzy)