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$3.95 | Click On The Image to the left of the title to add this item to your Pay Pal shopping cart.All orders are hand processed so please allow me some time to get the Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground (Nelson, Willie) PDF file emailed to you.Lyrics for Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground (Nelson, Willie)If you had not have fallenThen I would not have found youAngel flying too close to the groundAnd I patched up your broken wingAnd hung around a whileTried to keep your spirits upWhile you were feelin' downI knew someday that you would fly awayFor love's the greatest healer to be foundSo leave me if you need toI will still rememberAngel flying too close to the groundFly on, fly on past the speed of soundI'd rather see you upThan see you downLeave me if you need toI will still rememberAngel flying too close to the groundGuitar Tab, Guitar Tablature or Bass Tab, Bass Tablature for Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground Here are some other details for Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground - Country A | Return To GuitArrangements - Show Me Songs
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