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$3.95 | Click On The Image to the left of the title to add this item to your Pay Pal shopping cart.All orders are hand processed so please allow me some time to get the Americana (Offspring) PDF file emailed to you.Lyrics for Americana (Offspring)Well I'd like to tell you all about my dream, it's a placeWhere strip malls abound and diversion's meer moments awayWhere culture's defined by theOnes least refinedAnd you'll be left behindIf you don't fit inIt's all distortedIn americana my wayWell fuck youWhoa Whoa WhoaWell my dream has come trueWhoa Whoa WhoaMy vision has come trueNow give me my cable, fast food, four-by's, tats right awayI want it right now cause my generation don't like to waitMy future's determined byThieves, thugs, and verminIt's quite an excursion But it's okayEverything's backwardsIn americana my wayWell fuck youWhoa Whoa WhoaWell my dream has come trueWhoa Whoa WhoaMy vision has come trueIt's all coming trueI'm a product Of my environmentDon't blame me, I just work hereBut I wanna fuck you!!!!!My rights are denied byThose least qualifiedTrading profit for prideBut it's okayEverything's backwardsIn americana my wayWell fuck youWhoa Whoa WhoaMy nightmare has come trueWhoa Whoa WhoaMy nightmare has come trueYeah, it's all coming trueYeah, it's all coming trueGuitar Tab, Guitar Tablature or Bass Tab, Bass Tablature for Americana Here are some other details for Americana - Drop D | Return To GuitArrangements - Show Me Songs
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